Book List

  • Parenting Gifted kids

    by James R. Delisle, PH.D. Year Published: 2016

    A gifted education Legacy Award winner, Parenting Gifted Kids: Tips for Raising Happy and Successful Children provides a humorous, engaging, and encouraging look at raising gifted children today. James R. Delisle, Ph.D., offers practical, down-to-earth advice that will cause parents to reexamine the ways they perceive and relate to their children.

    Dr. Delisle puts forward 10 tips to parents of gifted children―ideas that reflect attitude and approach and allow for introspection and change, rather than quick, do-it-tonight solutions. Some topics of interest include understanding a child's giftedness, working with the school system, dealing with perfectionism in gifted kids, and being adult role models for children. Along the way, stories from gifted children and their parents provide insight into the lives of these individuals.

    What sets this book apart from other books for parents of gifted kids is its expansion beyond mere platitudes. Dr. Delisle's tips go beyond the basics, focusing on attitude, reflection, and subtle changes, rather than specific, cookie-cutter recipes for action. 

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  • Hijos con altas capacidades

    by Olga Carmona , Alejandro Busto Year Published: 2021

    Los autores sostienen que detrás de una persona con altas capacidades, existe una persona altamente sensible, aspecto que no suele ser tenido en cuenta y que ocasiona muchas dificultades y dolores de cabeza a los educadores, sobre todo a los padres. Desde esta perspectiva, este libro ofrece una nueva mirada al tema de la sobredotación o altas capacidades, con un punto de vista positivo (porque no se trata de un problema, o no tiene por qué serlo) y sumamente práctico, que servirá de guía a los padres.

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  • This Is Who I Am - Este Soy Yo: A Story About Giftedness for Children - Una Historia para Niños Dota

    by Vanessa Ewing Year Published: 2022

    This story is presented in both English and Spanish. Ceci and Nessa start their first day of Gifted/Talented class together and soon discover that although there is much they have in common, they are different in many ways as well. The story is intended to open up a dialogue about many topics that young children experience. It is our hope that you can use this book to talk about big topics like diversity, giftedness, and talents. Although kids may struggle with understanding differences between themselves and their peers, they may have a hard time putting words to their feelings. Some terms, such as twice exceptional where a child is gifted and has a disability, introversion vs extroversion, and anxiety are largely unknown to young children but not unfelt. We hope through this story children feel seen and heard and that they have a better understanding of themselves. We have also included a list of questions and activities that you can use to further your discussions.

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  • Parenting Gifted Children 101: An Introduction to Gifted Kids and Their Needs

    by Tracy Inman and Jana Kirchner Year Published: 2016

    This practical, easy-to-read book explores the basics of parenting gifted children, truly giving parents the “introductory course” they need to better understand and help their gifted child. Topics include myths about gifted children, characteristics of the gifted, the hows and whys of advocacy, social and emotional issues and needs, strategies for partnering with your child’s school, and more.

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  • Doing Poorly on Purpose: Strategies to Reverse UnDoing Poorly on Purpose: Strategies to Reverse Unde

    by James Delisle Year Published: 2017

    There is no such thing as a “classic underachiever.” Students are influenced by a wide range of factors, including self-image, self-concept, social-emotional relationships, and the amount of dignity teachers afford their students. Smart, underachieving students need the reassurance that they are capable, valuable, and worth listening to despite their low academic performance. Helping smart students achieve when they don’t want to is not an easy task, but teachers can reengage and inspire students using veteran educator Delisle’s insights and practical advice on these topics: autonomy, access, advocacy, alternatives, aspirations and approachable educators.

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  • A Parent’s Guide to Gifted Children

    by James Webb, Janet Gore, Edward Amend, and Arlene DeVries Year Published: 2007

    Raising a gifted child is both a joy and a challenge, yet parents of gifted children have few resources for reliable parenting information. The four authors, who have decades of professional experience with gifted children and their families, provide practical guidance in areas such as: Characteristics of gifted children, peer relations, sibling issues, motivation & underachievement, discipline issues, intensity & stress, depression & unhappiness, educational planning, parenting concerns, finding professional help, and more.

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