• PS

    Carlos Garcia

    Technology & Safety Director

    (915) 765-3035


  • Mission  

    It is the mission of the Tornillo ISD Public Safety Services to provide services with honesty, integrity, and commitment long with the community of Tornillo, County of El Paso, and other law enforcement agencies in order to provide a safe and secure learning environment; and enable the quality of education and life in our community.

    • Ensure the safety and well-being of TISD students, staff, and property.
    • Maintain knowledgeable, dedicated, and well-trained Public Safety officers.
    • Provide the schools and community we serve with professional and competent delivery of services and Safety resources.
    • Be compassionate in supplying services to our community in areas beyond safety by exercising integrity and a strong work ethic in performing our duties.
    • Assist and educate the community with safety protocol in emergency situations.
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